Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mini Piñatas

I love these mini piñatas. They are super cute & adorable. Best part they are super easy to make. Great for party favors, decorations, and guest name. You can even string them together to make a garland.

Materials needed
Medium-size cereal box
Fringe scissors (optional)
Painter’s tape
crepe paper in multiple colors 
Double-sided tape
Printer paper
Colorful construction paper

 Step 1: Draw, stencil, or trace the outline of a donkey on the cereal box (ours measured 3 ½” x 4 1/2”) and cut out. Trace around the cutout to make a second cardboard donkey of the same shape and size.

Step 2: Cut a one-inch-wide strip from the box, and lay flat between the two cutouts as shown. Tape together the three pieces as demonstrated, and begin to bend the strip to the shape of the cutouts, taping down as you go. (TIP: Move the strip of cardboard between your hands to make it pliable and easier to curve around the shape of the donkey.) 

Step 3: Continue adding strips with painters tape as needed until you’ve covered all open sides except for the bottom of the feet.   

Step 4: Cut a strip of party streamer n the color of your choice; fold in half lengthwise, and fringe using scissors (this effect can also be made using regular scissors).

Step 5: Starting from the bottom, wrap double-sided tape around the piñata, and add a layer of fringed streamer. Work your way up the piñata layer by layer, alternating colors.

Step 6: For the sides of the piñata, we added one-inch stripes layered one over the other and affixed with double-sided tape. 

Step 7: Repeat steps 1-6 until you have the desired  number of piñatas (one cereal box will make three). When you have finished, fill each with treats through the bottom and then seal with painters tape.